FAQs /




  • Doorbell Information: Must be included in the order.



  • Doorbell/Apartment Information: Must be included in the order.
  • Collection and Delivery: Only to the ground floor or reception.



  • Reception: The shipment must remain at the reception, which is open from 11:00 to 18:00.



  • Residence Hall Receptions: The shipment must remain at the reception of the residence halls. Verify with the university/residence halls that collections and deliveries are allowed from the reception.



  • Concierge/Reception: The shipment must remain with the concierge or reception and be noted in the order.



  • Hotels Near Airports: Collection and delivery are only from hotels located around the airport, not from the terminal.


  • Inability to Collect and Deliver: We cannot collect or deliver to ports or docked ships.


With this information, you can ensure that your order includes the necessary details for the correct collection and delivery of your shipment.

You can update the recipient name, delivery address, and delivery phone number online up to the day before your collection.

If a delivery fails for any reason, you can either follow the link sent to you to reschedule or contact our partner by phone at the number provided. Alternatively, you can contactus at +357 25010557.

Estimating Transit Time:

  1. Enter Postal Codes:
    • After entering your postal codes on the pricing page, the system will generate an estimated transit time* based on information from our courier partners and our own historical booking data.
    • Without providing postal codes, the estimated transit time will be based on delivery from capital city to capital city.


Delivery Notes:

  • Reliability of Estimates:
    • Typically, 95% of Sparrow’s economy services and 98% of express services arrive on the estimated delivery date. However, we advise not to wait for the delivery until you receive an email notification confirming that your shipment is out for delivery.
  • Unique Guarantee:
    • Sparrow is the only company in Europe that offers a refund if the shipment is not delivered within the initially provided timeframe due to our fault.


Routes Through Customs:

  • Customs Processing Time:
    • If your shipment needs to go through customs, the destination page for your destination country will show the average time customs may take to process and release your shipment.


Working Days:

  • Transit Time Calculation:
    • Estimated transit times are displayed in working days and do not include weekends or holidays.


With this information, you can have a good estimate of how long it will take for your shipment to reach its destination.

Deliveries can occur any time between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM (local time). During peak periods, such as summer or Christmas, deliveries may also occur outside this time frame.

Important Information:

  • Delivery Time Frame: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM (local time).
  • Peak Periods: Deliveries may occur outside the above time frame during peak periods.
  • Exact Delivery Time: Unfortunately, the Sparrow team cannot provide a more precise delivery time.
  • Call from the Driver: Drivers are not required to call upon arrival, so someone should be available all day to receive the shipment.


To ensure a smooth delivery, please make sure that someone is available at the delivery address during the times mentioned above.

Tracking Updates:

  1. Shipment Status:
    • When your shipment is loaded onto a vehicle for delivery, the tracking status of your shipment will be updated to “with delivery courier”.
  1. Email Notification:
    • An automatic email notification will be sent to the email address you have registered.
  1. SMS Notification:
    • If you have paid for SMS tracking notifications, you will also receive a message informing you that your bag has been loaded for delivery.


Delivery Time Frame:

  • Weekday Deliveries:
    • Deliveries usually occur between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM. We cannot provide a more precise delivery window.
  • Peak Periods:
    • In certain areas and during peak periods, such as summer and Christmas, deliveries may occur after 6:00 PM.


With this information, you will be able to know when your shipment is out for delivery and prepare accordingly.

Yes, anyone present at the delivery address can sign for your shipment. You can have colleagues, family members, or friends receive the item if you are unable to do so personally due to other commitments.


Who Can Sign for Your Shipment:

  • Work Colleagues: If the delivery is to a business address.
  • Family Members: If the delivery is to your home.
  • Friends: If they are at the delivery address at the time of delivery.


This way, you don’t need to worry if you cannot be present during the delivery.

If your doorbell is not working, follow these steps to ensure you receive your shipment:


  1. Place a Note:
    • Place a note next to your door or doorbell informing the driver that the doorbell is not working.
    • Ask the driver to knock on the door.
  2. Contact Number:
    • If you live in an apartment complex where knocking on the door might not be feasible, include a contact number in the note.
    • Ask the driver to call the number to notify you that they are at the address.
  3. ImportantNote:
    • Please note that we cannot guarantee the driver will call the provided number if the doorbell or intercom is not working.


By taking these actions, you can ensure that you will be notified when the driver arrives, even if your doorbell is not functioning.

Yes, you can delay the delivery without delaying the collection. Here are the details of the process:


First Delivery Attempt:

  • Initial Attempt: Delivery will be attempted at the first available opportunity.
  • Notification: If the delivery attempt is unsuccessful, you will be notified via email.


Rescheduling Delivery:

  • New Delivery Schedule: Once you receive the email, you can contact us to schedule a new delivery on a more convenient date.
  • Storage at the Depot: The depot can usually hold your shipment for up to 5 days.


What You Need to Do:

  1. Receive Notification: Monitor your email for the delivery attempt notification.
  2. Contact for Rescheduling: Once you receive the notification, contact us to arrange a new delivery date.
  3. Holding Duration: Note that the shipment can be held for up to 5 days at the depot.


By following these guidelines, you can delay the delivery of your shipment without affecting its collection.

Delivery dates are estimates based on the transit time from collection to the delivery address. Here are your available options for changing the delivery date:

Changing Collection Date:

  • Adjust Collection Date: You can change the estimated delivery date by adjusting the collection date.
  • Transit Time Estimate: However, the transit time is an estimate, and the delivery date cannot be guaranteed.


Failed Delivery:

  • Notification: If no one is available when the delivery is attempted and it fails, you will be notified via email.
  • Rescheduling: You can then contact us to schedule a new delivery on a more convenient date.


What You Need to Do:

  1. Change Collection Date:
    • Visit your account and change the collection date to adjust the estimated delivery date.
  1. Monitor Email:
    • If the delivery fails, monitor your email for the notification and follow the instructions to schedule a new delivery.


By taking these actions, you can manage the delivery date of your shipment flexibly and ensure that you receive your shipment on a convenient date.

Estimated Delivery Date Has Passed and My Bag Has Not Been Delivered

All delivery dates are estimates. Follow these steps to check the progress of your shipment:

  1. Check Tracking:
    • You can track your shipment using the tracking number sent to you via email.
  1. Delivery Notification:
    • We advise not to wait for the delivery until you receive an email notification confirming that your shipment is out for delivery.


By following these steps, you can stay informed about the status of your shipment and ensure timely delivery.

Filing a Claim for Late Delivery:

  • Contact Sparrow Team: If your shipment is delayed beyond the estimated delivery date, you can contact the Sparrow team to discuss possible compensation or further steps.
  • Check Terms and Conditions: It is important to review the service terms and conditions to see if late delivery is covered by any compensation policy.


By following these steps, you can manage the tracking of your shipment and receive updates on its delivery.

You can pick up your bag from a depot. However, Sparrow’s service is primarily designed for door-to-door delivery and does not typically offer this option as a standard service.


What to Do If You Want to Pick Up Your Shipment from a Depot:

  1. Contact Σπουργίτης:
    • If you wish to pick up your shipment from a depot instead of waiting for delivery, please contact the Sparrow team for more information.
  1. Arrange for Pickup:
    • Explain your desire to pick up your bag from the depot and ask for details on how to proceed with the pickup.
  1. Prepare for Pickup:
    • Ensure you have all necessary documents and information required to pick up your shipment from the depot.



Pickup from the depot may depend on the availability and policies of our courier partner. Contact the Sparrow team to ensure that the pickup can be arranged smoothly.

By following these instructions, you can arrange to pick up your shipment from the depot if you prefer this option.

This is not always feasible and we do not recommend changing the delivery address after collection unless absolutely necessary, as this may incur additional costs.


Reasons to Avoid Changing the Address:

  • Automated Network: Your shipment travels through an automated network, and changing the delivery address requires manual intervention, which can cause delays.


What to Do If the Change Is Unavoidable:

  1. Contact the SparrowTeam:
    • If changing the delivery address is unavoidable, contact the Sparrow team after the delivery attempt fails at the original address.
  1. RequestAddressChange:
    • Explain the need for changing the delivery address and ask for assistance with the process.



  • Delay: Changing the address may cause delays due to the need for manual intervention in the automated network.


By following these instructions, you can manage the address change if it is absolutely necessary and ensure that your shipment reaches the new destination.

Σπουργίτης does not currently offer storage services.

Holding Procedures:

  1. Failed Delivery:
    • If the delivery fails, the shipment will be held at the local delivery center until a new delivery date is arranged.
    • Delivery centers have limited storage space and can only hold items for a short period.
  1. Multiple Failed Deliveries:
    • If multiple delivery attempts fail, a new delivery date is not arranged, or someone at the destination refuses the delivery, the items may be returned to the collection address.


What You Need to Do:

  1. Contact After Failed Delivery:
    • Once a delivery fails, contact Sparrow to arrange a new delivery date.
  1. Difficulty in Arranging Delivery:
    • If arranging delivery proves difficult, contact the Sparrow team to check if it is possible to pick up your shipment or redirect it to an alternative address.


With this information, you can manage the receipt of your shipment even if the initial delivery attempt fails.

Your address needs to be easily accessible, and the driver must be able to drive within 25 meters of the collection or delivery point. If this is not possible, the collection or delivery may fail. In such cases, we will send you an email to arrange a suitable alternative location for collection or delivery.


What You Need to Do:

  1. Provide Access Information:
    • If you believe the driver may have difficulty accessing your address, inform us so we can provide additional information to the driver to reduce the risk of collection or delivery failure.
  1. AlternativeLocation:
    • If collection or delivery fails due to access issues, we will email you to arrange an alternative location for collection or delivery.


Preventive Measures:

  1. PrepareAddress:
    • Ensure that the address you provide is easily accessible.
  1. Inform the Driver:
    • Provide any additional information that may help the driver locate and access your address.


By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your shipment will be delivered successfully, even if there are access issues at your address.

Typically, drivers will not call or text before they arrive for delivery. However, we still request a local contact number for the following reasons:


  • Contact from the Delivery Center:
    • The local delivery center may call to ensure all delivery information is correct or to arrange the delivery with you.


Important Information:

  • Phone Communication:
    • Although drivers usually do not call upon arrival, having a local contact number is important for possible communication from the delivery center.
  • Availability:
    • Ensure that someone is available at the delivery address during the delivery time frame (9:00 AM – 6:00 PM).


What to Do:

  1. Provide Contact Number:
    • Make sure to provide a local contact number when placing your order.
  1. Monitor Notifications:
    • Check your emails for notifications regarding the delivery status.


By following these guidelines, you can be prepared for your shipment delivery and ensure everything runs smoothly, even without a call from the driver.

When sending multiple items, your shipment may be separated during transit as it moves through an automated network.

Handling Missing Items:

  1. Tracking Information:
    • If not all items in your shipment have been scanned as delivered in the tracking information, you will receive an email asking you to confirm if you have received all pieces or not.
  1. ReceiptConfirmation:
    • If you indicate that you have not received all items, a member of the Sparrow team will contact our courier partner to confirm when the remaining items will arrive.
  1. Email Update:
    • You will be notified via email about the status of the remaining items and when they are expected to be delivered.


What You Need to Do:

  1. Check Email:
    • Monitor your email for notifications regarding the status of your shipment.
  1. Confirm Receipt:
    • Confirm whether you have received all items or if any are missing.
  1. Contact Σπουργίτης:
    • If you have not received all items, inform the Sparrow team through the email notification.


By following these instructions, you can manage the receipt of multiple items in your shipment and ensure that all items are successfully delivered.

If your bag is marked as delivered but you have not received it personally, it is possible that a neighbor or someone else at the address has signed for it. Follow these steps:


Steps to Locate Your Shipment:

  1. Check with Neighbors or Housemates:
    • Verify with neighbors, housemates, or family members if they have signed for the shipment.
  1. University or Business Addresses:
    • If the shipment is destined for a university or business address, it is usually delivered to the main reception or mailroom and not to individual rooms or departments.


If You Cannot Locate the Shipment:

  1. Contact Σπουργίτης:
    • If you still cannot locate the shipment after checking, contact the Sparrow team as soon as possible to investigate the issue with our courier partner.


What You Need to Do:

  1. Monitor Communications:
    • Check your emails for any notifications regarding the delivery.
  1. Gather Information:
    • Collect all relevant information and details of your shipment before contacting the Σπουργίτης.


By following these steps, you can locate your shipment and ensure that it is successfully received.

Σπουργίτης has excellent delivery rates on estimated dates, with over 95% of standard deliveries and 98% of express deliveries arriving on the estimated date.

On-Time Delivery Guarantee:

  • On-Time Delivery Guarantee:
    • All shipments to and from Cyprus include an on-time delivery guarantee.
    • If you selected this service and the delivery occurred after the estimated delivery date, you can file a claim for compensation.


How to File a Claim:

  1. Contact:
    • Send an email to info@spourgitis.cy to file a claim for compensation.


By following these steps, you can file a claim for compensation if your shipment was delivered late.

Follow these steps to file a claim for compensation if your bag or its contents have been delivered damaged:

Steps to File a Claim:

  1. Check Coverage:
    • Free or purchased coverage typically does not cover wear and tear or unprotected luggage.
    • However, if the wheels or pull handles have suffered significant damage, contact our team.
  1. Contact:
    • Send an email to info@spourgitis.cy, and a team member will typically respond within 2 business days.
  1. Notify Within 7 Days:
    • To consider any claim for compensation, you must notify Sparrow of any damage in writing within 7 days of the goods being delivered.


Information to Include:

  1. Photos of Damage:
    • Include photos of the damage to the bag or its contents.
  1. ShipmentDetails:
    • Provide details about the shipment, such as order number and delivery date.
  1. Description of Damage:
    • Describe the nature of the damage and how it occurred.


Frequently Asked Question: What Can I Send?

  1. Acceptable Items:
    • Ensure that the items you are sending are acceptable according to Sparrow’s terms and conditions.
  1. Protecting Items:
    • We recommend protecting fragile items to reduce the risk of damage during transit.


By following these guidelines, you can submit a claim for compensation for damages incurred during the delivery of your shipment.