Terms and Conditions

The COMPANY offers the services of the website in accordance with these terms of use, which the user is requested to read carefully and to use the services of the website only if he fully accepts them and consents to their application:

Through the website, visitors are informed about the company’s products and/or services, while by filling out the contact form they can contact it. Also, visitors can record their comments / criticism about the services and / or products provided in the relevant field. The website records the content of messages sent by its visitors exclusively to detect violations of these terms of use and for no other purpose. The website may not disclose the content of the relevant messages to third parties unless the author consents or the law or competent authority requires it. The acceptance of these terms of use constitutes the consent of the user of the services for the disclosure of his messages to third parties partners of the company for the purpose of providing the services.

The website may include links to other websites controlled by third parties. In no case is the website responsible for their content and the privacy protection practices they apply, nor for any financial or other damage suffered by the user who follows them. Also, the website does not commit to their correctness nor does it make any commitment to their quality or validity, nor does it agree or accept part of them.

Users accept that the comments, observations they post on the website remain the sole responsibility of the user who posts them. The website can under no circumstances be considered to accept or embrace in any way the comments of users expressed on its pages. Users retain full responsibility for the content they post and for any infringement of intellectual property rights by the content they post. If it comes to the attention of the administrators or the website is formally notified of causing harm or other damage to a person, as well as for any generally unfair use of its website or the addition of illegal content to it, it reserves the right to proceed with the immediate deletion of the unfair or offensive content.

By way of example and not limitation, users are prohibited from using the website service for:

A) Post, send, transmit or install illegal, harmful, pornographic, threatening, offensive, damaging, defamatory, vulgar, violent, abusive, racist or otherwise objectionable content or content that violates the personality and personal data of others or incites feelings of hatred or of terror or refers to or encourages the abuse of minors, animals, and/or any other punishable criminal offense.

B) Impersonation of any legal or natural person or false statement about the user’s identity or misleading statement regarding the user’s relationship with another legal or natural person.

C) Imitation by forgery or in any other way altering the elements of the website in order to mislead as to the origin of the content transmitted through the services of the website.

D) Posting, sending, transferring or installing content by a person who does not have the right to make the specific content available by law or based on a confidential relationship.

E) Posting, sending, transferring or using another method to install software or content of any form (text, image, sound, video, animation) that infringes any intellectual property rights of any third party.

F) Posting, sending, transmitting or using any other method to install unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or other product promotion content, sending unsolicited and unsolicited e-mails and any other form of unsolicited content promotion.

G) Harassing in any way the privacy and individual and social rights of other users in any way.

In addition, the users of the website:

  • They are not allowed to publish personal emails, telephone numbers and other personal data on the website.
  • They are not allowed to use any language other than Greek or Greekish or English (in the English version of the website).
  • They are not allowed to write in capital letters.
  • They are not allowed to make complaints after being interrupted from the service (VAN).
  • They are not allowed to disturb and threaten.
    If there are complaints, they can click on “Contact Website Administrator” and send a message to the address info@spourgitis.cy
  • They are not allowed to repeat the same text.
  • They are not allowed to insert any form of propagandistic, anti-national text and they are not allowed to insult symbols.
  • They are not allowed to encourage sexual intercourse or offer money for any reason (prostitution, etc.)
  • They are not allowed to abuse, offend, insult and generally disturb other users of the service.
  • They are not allowed to advertise or defame (other web sites, products, services, companies).
  • Users are not allowed to invite other members of the website to other websites.
    Copyright Policy

Users of the website may not register, change, distribute, reproduce, in any way, content protected by intellectual property rights, trademarks or patented products belonging to third parties, without having secured prior written consent of the holder of such rights. The website may not allow access to a user who repeatedly violates the above condition, after an appropriate notice to this effect is sent to the website by the copyright holder or its legal representative.

Without prejudice or limitation of the foregoing, if anyone believes that any of their work is being copied or posted on the website in a manner that infringes their intellectual property rights, please send a written notification stating the following:

j) electronic signature or written authorization of the copyright holder,

(ii) a brief description of the copyrighted work which it believes has been infringed;

iii) the exact point on the website where the copyright infringement occurs

i) his contact details

n) a written statement that he believes in good faith that the action he describes constitutes a violation of intellectual property rights or that it is against the law.

n) responsible statement, that the information provided is accurate and that he is the holder of the copyrights that are infringed or their legal representative.

User Content

The website has absolutely no responsibility for the content posted and/or published by users on it. Visiting the website is at the user’s risk. If the website is notified that the content it hosts affects third parties and/or violates the personal data of third parties, and/or the intellectual property rights of third parties are violated, it reserves the right to immediately and without warning delete the relevant content and/or and the user who made the relevant post and/or publication. This clause applies to any content that users post/publish anywhere on the website. The website reserves the right for the above reasons to remove content and delete users even without prior notice. The website may deny users access to its website if it is found to be a repeated violation of these terms. A repeat violation of these terms exists when the user has violated these terms more than twice and/or has had user content removed for the above reasons more than twice.

The user understands and accepts that the website may adopt new terms of use of its services and/or modify the time limits that will be kept on it for the messages and/or any other content posted and/or published by the user through the his services. Also, the website reserves the right to modify the permitted limits of the size and number of messages that the user can send and/or any other content posted and published by the user on its services. The website reserves the right to modify at any time and without warning, the limits of content storage space that it provides through its service to users and to temporarily and/or permanently interrupt the provision of the service. In no event shall the website be liable for the loss or failure to store or corruption of content maintained or transmitted through the service.

The user of the website is liable towards the website and its partners, for any harm or damage resulting from the illegal or harmful use of the website, as well as from the use of the website service in an unfair or non-compliant manner with these terms.

The website reserves the right to modify and/or temporarily or permanently interrupt part or all of its services with or without notice to users.

Given the nature and volume of information on the Internet, under any circumstances, including the case of negligence, the website is not responsible for any form of damage suffered by the user of the website during the use of the service, the use of which he proceeds at his own risk initiative. In particular, the website is under no circumstances liable for any damages, including, but not limited to, direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, positive or consequential, expenses resulting from the use of its services or from the inability to use them, by any person , or with regard to impossibility of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay or interruption of operation or transmission, failure or damage of technical systems, weaknesses or damage of the user’s equipment, weaknesses or damage of telecommunications networks, even if the representatives of the service, have been informed of the possibility of similar damages, losses or expenses.

The website cooperates with other websites (indicatively a blog) to provide users with specialized content, which appears on various pages of the same, exactly as received from its provider (partner website or company), without control and processing . Responsibility for the completeness, accuracy, completeness, adequacy, legality and appropriateness of this content, including advertisements in any way and if they appear, belongs exclusively to the websites/companies that provide them. The content and information included on the website, including advertisements in any way and if they appear, should in no way be considered as valid information, advice or as a recommendation for a specific action.

Furthermore, the user understands and accepts that by visiting the pages and using the services of the website it is possible to be exposed to content that is indecent, annoying, offensive, immoral, vulgar, misleading, illegal, etc. In no case can the website be held responsible for any harm or damage that its users may suffer, due to their exposure to such content. Users visit the pages and services of the website on their own initiative and responsibility.

The website does not make any express warranty that the pages, services, functions, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors and that errors will be corrected. Due to technical conditions beyond the control of the website, interruptions may occur, especially in the event of a temporary interruption of services. This also applies to maintenance and update measures. The user declares that he is in compliance with such measures, which are carried out as far as possible outside normal working hours and are declared in a timely manner and with the associated negative effects to a reasonable extent. Such temporary unavailability of the services does not constitute a defect. The website is not responsible for any form of damage suffered by the user due to the use and / or unavailability of the use of the services.

Also, the website does not guarantee that it or any other cooperating site or the servers through which they are made available to users do not contain “viruses” or other harmful components.

The above terms of use of the website, as well as any modification thereof, are governed and supplemented by Greek law, European Union law and the relevant international treaties signed by the country. Any provision of the above terms that becomes contrary to the law, automatically ceases to be valid and is removed from this, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms. This constitutes the entire agreement between the website and the user of its services and binds only them.

No modification of these terms shall be considered and shall not form a part of this agreement unless it is made in writing and incorporated herein. In any case, the website reserves the right to change these terms by informing its users about it by posting the amendment on it and within the existing legal framework. If a user does not agree with the terms of use provided herein, he must not use the website’s services.

This website (hereinafter referred to as “the website”) is the intellectual property of the company with the name “SPURGITIS METAFORIKI” and the distinctive title “SPURGITIS” which is based in Kalamata, Athens Avenue 186 (hereinafter “THE COMPANY”), in accordance with Law 2121/1993 “On Intellectual Property”, as amended and in force today.

The COMPANY retains the exclusive intellectual property rights in the design and format of the website, with the exception of the content of the website, which belongs to the person whose products and/or services are displayed through it, as well as the content that may be added by its users (indicative comments/opinions posted by users on the website). Any violation of these rights of the COMPANY in any way entails the responsibilities and incurs the penalties prescribed by law.